APRIL 15-21 2024

This week I decided to focus on making sure we’re all maybe just a little bit more prepared in case of emergency; small or big.

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Phone In Case of Emergency Contacts

Blood type noted? I’m A- so it’s very important to have on file. Is this information accessible for first responders? Summer vacations are coming up quickly.

Take a few minutes to make sure info is there for all your family members.

Most of us have are phone on us the majority of the time or at least nearby; make sure your ICE (In Case of Emergency) contacts are in your phone
When I decided to post this task, I thought I had completed my own information. I doubled checked and realized that I had not completed all the information..

  • For iPhone this info is in the Apple Health app.

  • Android: Google has an in case of emergency app.

    Monday, April 15, 2024

In Case of Emergency Contacts- Document in your glove box

Now that your phone is has your ICE contacts in it, make sure your glove box (all vehicles) does to.

As mentioned in previous post, most of us have our phone on us, but as scary as it is, there could be a circumstance in vehicle collision when your phone doesn't stay with you and can't be located. I saw something similar to this on Pinterest where they attached the list to the car seat, well I don't have a need for a car seat but I thought the idea was good. So I created a document, printed it out and put it in each of our vehicles alongside our registration.

I purchased a registration holder to keep things tidy and easy to find.

Link to Google Doc for a template:

Link for Word Doc to use for a template.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

House /Pet sitting information document

Do you have plans where you may have a house or pet sitter? A couple of summers ago we were traveling quite a lot and used Rover. Because we couldn't always book the same sitter, we created a document that had all the information needed for the house/pet sitter.

Here are some items we have listed on ours:

  • Our information: address of our house, our contact numbers

  • We are close with our neighbors so we put information about them on the document in case of emergency

  • Our pet information; names/description (just in case the meet/great was fast etc.), feeding/medication schedule, Vet information

  • Things about the house- lights on timers, door codes, wi-fi password (we created one just for pet/house sitters), how to use electronics

We also hand write down the location that we're staying and their number if we have that.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Battery stock for all the various items in your home/recreation

More and more items in the home (and recreation) use batteries or are USB rechargeable.

Document it: If you don't have it noted somewhere already, I suggest creating a list of the item and its battery information. My family uses door keypads and they take different batteries. And then our vehicle FOBs too. A couple of our flashlights are USB rechargeable.

Purchase back stock: Make sure you have enough batteries for when key items in your house need their batteries replaced. A dead LED candle is one thing, but your door lock going dead is a whole different hair pull out moment if you don't have batteries on hand.

Rechargeable Items charged?- For our emergency items like flashlights, we make sure on Wednedays we plug them in for a charge.

Here's some examples for items we have around that we make sure to have stock of batteries or charged up

  • Batteries for door locks

  • Batteries for flashlights

  • Vehicle Key Fobs

  • Meat thermometer (LOL! okay maybe not an emergency item, but yes it is!)

  • Our Travel Trailer keypad door locks

  • Our Travel Trailer Level Mate

  • We found that our tire pressure gauge takes some weird little guys we never had on hand. L44

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Important Documents that are out of site/out of mind

My other half needed to get a new passport so he needed his original birth certificate. This is something I completely spaced about ever needing so we took the time to go through our fire safe box and make sure we had all the documents in there. This also prompted us to remove documents we no longer needed.

I prefer a safe with a combo because keys get lost too easy.

  • Birth Certificates

  • Social Security Cards

  • Vehicle Titles

  • Power of Attorney Documents

  • End of Life Documents

Friday, April 19, 2024

Storm Season is coming

We all know storms and disasters can strike at any time of the year, but it never hurts to take the time and make sure you’re at least a bit prepared for emergencies. Below are a few things to make sure you have.

  • They’re not cute, but pet inside emergency stickers are practical in an emergency to let others know there may be pets inside that to be let out. We’re actually going to make some small yard stakes to put in one of the flower beds near the walkway.

  • If it’s in the budget a generator can save thousands if the power goes out for an extended length of time.

  • Candles; we don’t burn candles but we have a ‘safety’ bucket of ones that actually burn and we keep matches with them. If we lose heat this can provide some minimal heat at least.

  • In previous post I mentioned USB chargeable flashlights. We also keep our rechargeable utility work lights charged for emergencies. These give a much better light than just a flashlight.

Saturday-Sunday April 20-21, 2024


APRIL 22-28 2024


APRIL 8-14 2024